Dining rooms with a twist

Dining rooms are multi purpose spaces.
We gather every night with our family to eat and to disguss our day.
In some instances they are multi purpose rooms, they are not only dining rooms, but social spaces, where we play games with friends and family.
Its important to have the proper decor, just like every other space/room in your home.
1. Night
Choosing the right color for your home can be tricky. It can make or brake
your home decor. Sticking with a classic combination, like black & white
is something you can't go wrong with.
It looks great, although its not always too interesting, we have to admit it.
Luckily, there are several ways to improve your home decor: from having accent walls and prints to inviting the whole world via a Wooden World Map on your wall.
It will catch attention, but won't steal the show.
2. A round table for a great discussion
There is a reason for the term 'Round table discussion'. Having an inspiring wall art in your dining room will spark interesting conversations with your friends and family.
Whether its about your next trip around the globe, or the beautiful places in the world. A Wooden World Map will provide you with a great topic every time,
besides its outstanding looks.
3. Pastels with an extra flavor
Once again, choosing your color palette is one of the most important things to do before you start decorating your home. Pastel colors are more popular than ever for a reason.
These are calm and cozy colors, meaning they will let your artwork shine and stand out even more.
A multicolor Wooden World Map is the perfect choice if you want a special
and inspiring wall art in your home.
Wooden World Maps are great choice to have a unique wall art in your home,
also they are easy to match with your decor and color scheme.