3 unusual places to put your wooden map

After checking all the usual spots, it's time to see the most unusual ones.
1. In a home on wheels
Wow! This is the first time we seen a Wooden World Map in an RV. I've got to admit, it fits as good as it would fit any other home. In RVs the space is limited for decorating, so you have to think wise, what and where to put.
The Wooden World Map comes in handy, because its not just unique and good looking decor element, but it has an adventurous vibe, which fits very well in an RV.
2. Over the piano
Well, not many of us have a piano in our homes, but if you have its a great spot
to put your Wooden World Map. Combined with some DIY wooden background, it makes a great wall art.
Extra tip: Creating a wooden background for your map makes it easier to move around spaces, plus it gives you a great opportunity to paint it a different color.
3. In the mudroom
This is an interesting setup for many reasons.
Your entryway, mudroom makes the first impression to your guests. It sets the mood and vibe for your home. Your friends and family will admire and compliment your taste of wall art.
The natural wooden tones usually stand out of their environment.
Having a dark background, in this case black, will make your Wooden World Map pop even more.